
Help us Raise $100,000 to Create the Inaugural

MNY Fraternity, Inc. Scholarship Fund!

The MNY Fraternity, Inc. Scholarship Fund will bring more Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion to the Personal Financial Planning industry. The Scholarship Fund will provide $5,000 to 20 students across the nation who are pursuing or plan to pursue a degree in Personal Financial Planning.

The Financial Services industry is facing critical challenges in several areas:

  • There are more Certified Financial Planners over the age of 50 (44,113) than under age 40 (27,797)
  • 76% of CFP Professionals are Male and 24% are female
  • Less than 10% of Certified Financial Planners are from non-white racial & ethnic backgrounds

We need more young, educated, and diverse college students to understand the importance of starting a career in the Financial Services industry.


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